Setup and Overview

You can use these controls with any web ASP.NET Core project. All controls were built natively for .NET Core and use Tag Helpers to perform all their logic.


NetCoreControls only targets ASP.NET Core 1.1. If you have an ASP.NET Core 1.0 project then you can follow this guide for updating to ASP.NET Core 1.1.


You must use the jQuery javascript library starting from v2.x.

The controls also use some styles from Bootstrap, but it’s not a mandatory requirement since you can link your own styles classes.

Basic setup

1. Install the NetCoreControls NuGet package

Add to project.json the following dependency:

"NetCoreControls" : "1.0.0-beta1"

Or you can use the Package Manager Console:

Install-Package NetCoreControls -Pre

2. Register NetCoreControls

In your Startup.cs class, inside the ConfigureServices method, add the following line after Mvc registration:


3. Reference the assembly to enable usage as TagHelpers

In your _ViewImports.cshtml file inside your Views folder, add the following line:

@addTagHelper "*, NetCoreControls"

4. Add references to CSS and Script files

Inside your <head></head> tag, insert the following:

<link href="@Url.Action("GetNccCssFile", "NetCoreControls")" rel="stylesheet">

On the bottom of your page, just above the </body> tag, insert the following:

<script type="text/javascript" src="@Url.Action("GetNccJsFile", "NetCoreControls")"></script>


Although the tag that links to the stylesheet is optional, the script is mandatory and should be placed after the jQuery link.

Daily builds

To use the latest daily builds of the controls, please add the following MyGet repo to download latest binaries:

Add to project.json the following dependency:

"NetCoreControls" : "1.0.0-beta-*"